by Brandon Credeur | Apr 8, 2020
At this point, we are at a crossroads. The global lockdown has been extended, and we must ask ourselves if the fear we are being sold is proportionate to the problem. In this episode of The FM Shift, Lauren Skye, the owner, and director of Inner Connection Institute...
by Brandon Credeur | Apr 1, 2020
In spite of all the chaos this global pandemic has raised, there is a huge opportunity to grow your functional medicine practice if you have the right strategy. This is a time where functional medicine providers can reach an audience that is uber focused on their...
by Brandon Credeur | Mar 25, 2020
When we are dealing with sick people, we have to understand that they are dealing with so much on their own. There is an immense amount of pain, frustration, and negative emotion tied to the struggles they are facing. As FM practitioners, we often get the spearhead of...
by Brandon Credeur | Mar 18, 2020
When running a business, you always need to be concerned about value exchange. Successful businesses provide a lot of value for their price and businesses that sputter and fail don’t. It’s that simple. So how can you provide value in different ways? And how can you...
by Brandon Credeur | Mar 11, 2020
Dr. Brandon David Credeur and Dr. Heather Stone DC are two of the most successful Functional Medicine practitioners and entrepreneurs in history. Their passion, entrepreneurial acumen, and good ole fashion southern work ethic allowed them to build one the largest, if...