Episode 30: Marketing Your Practice in the Post-COVID Climate

Functional Medicine Providers: What You Will Learn:

  • Effective marketing tactics and strategies in the post-COVID landscape
  • The ideal strategic alliance partners functional medicine providers should be looking for to co-produce a webinar
  • How to bring the greatest amount of value to each of your audiences no matter what industry your partner comes from
  • How to use educational experiences to pique the interest of prospects in your list
  • Program CTAs and offerings that have been successful in the functional medicine market
  • Innovative ways you can engage your audience opposed to the typical 15-20 min free consultation
  • How to structure your strategic alliances so there is no allegation of fee-splitting
  • Advice for practitioners who are having to work in the digital space due to COVID circumstances
  • What steps functional medicine providers can take to improve their sales skills
  • How Jared built a team that enabled the business to run and flourish without him in the day-to-day
  • Jared’s mission with CILA LABS and how practitioners can benefit from its services

Opportunity Amidst the Global Pandemic

Jared Yellin is the founder and owner of CILA LABS, SYNDUIT, and many other game-changing companies in the tech industry. His mission is to create radical transparency in the world of software development for non-tech entrepreneurs like functional medicine providers. Jared is a wealth of information when it comes to solving problems and inefficiencies in the world of sales and marketing. In this episode of the FM Shift, Jared joins us to talk about effective marketing tactics and strategies in the post-COVID landscape. He teaches us how to engage our audiences in new and innovative ways so we can become better marketers and grow our practices.

Build Strategic Alliances

As many lockdowns are eased and COVID loosens its death grip on the global economy, functional medicine providers should be asking themselves, “How can I take advantage of this unique opportunity?” It all comes down to the fundamentals. Now more than ever, relationship capital matters. Relationship capital is more accessible than it has ever been before, and it is a great chance to focus on forming strategic alliances. People who are typically extremely busy are easier to reach, so Jared and his team have focused on building relationships with like-minded businesses who have a product or service his companies can complement. Spend fifteen minutes per day grooming your relationships; who do you know, who do your connections know, and who do you yearn to know? Make it a goal to connect with one person each day.

Bring the Most Value to Both of Your Audiences

When it comes to strategic partnerships, functional medicine is a target-rich environment. Functional medicine providers build their practices around the idea of improving health through fundamental lifestyle changes. This means you can co-produce webinars with anyone who has influence. What your partner does almost doesn’t matter; it is about finding other people whose philosophy is aligned with yours. Focus on health-related businesses, because the timing in functional medicine is critical right now. People will do anything to bring value to their community, and when you have access to information they don’t have, you can step in and help them accomplish that.

Functional Medicine Providers | Marketing Your Practice in the Post-COVID Climate, with Jared Yellin

Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

About Jared Yellin

Jared Yellin stands to create radical transparency in the world of software development for non-tech entrepreneurs.

Think back to elementary school, maybe middle school, and possibly even high school. Do you remember that bully? That person who battled with self-worth and made it their mission to bring other people down to their level.

Maybe you were on the receiving end of this OR maybe you saw someone else being tormented. Well, there was only one person who could truly stand up to that bully.
One person that would help the bully see what they didn’t see about themselves so they would
stop bullying. That person is Jared Yellin.

Jared defines and labels himself with one word…DAD!

He is a father to two beautiful children, Taylee and Ryker, and he has committed his life to doing
whatever possible to create more freedom with his kids. He is also a parallel entrepreneur who focuses on launching companies that even the playing field.

From marketing solutions…
To educational platforms…
Simple sales training…
And so much more!

Jared has already supported over 100,000 small business owners over the past 10+ years and
he brings a depth of knowledge on marketing and scaling a business (while having it all) that is
not only diverse but is also extremely practical and proven. In fact, his no-nonsense style to
growth allows people of all levels to thrive when it comes to meeting and exceeding their goals.

Jared has several life-altering companies including SYNDUIT, the first marketing platform
with content for your industry that is currently supporting over 40,000 small businesses from
around the world. Jared also founded CILA Labs which is a technology incubator that
builds technological ideas with and for non-tech entrepreneurs AT COST and then focuses on
massive acceleration and positive disruption.

But remember, Jared is a Dad first and every action he takes is intentional…to have more freedom with his kids!

Finally, Jared’s mission is filled with a desire to serve as it focuses on the following:
I am driven to help 10,000 non-tech entrepreneurs build their technical ideas so that together
we can change industries, communities, and the world.

How to Connect with Jared Yellin: