During an economic downturn, whether that be from a Pandemic, stock-market crash, or real estate bust – most FM practitioners panic.
That panic ALWAYS leads to really bad decisions, which makes the situation worse.
The same could be said for any situation in a Functional Medicine practice that creates stress — increased cost, staffing problems, board-complaints, lawsuits, associate doctor quits, etc.
The reason doesn’t seem to matter. Once panic sets in — poor decision making often follows.
Here are a few things NOT to do when things are tough in your FM practice:
- Don’t Panic
- Don’t Decrease Your Fees
- Don’t Deliver More For Less
- Don’t Reduce Overhead Just To Save Money
- Don’t compete On Price
Here are a few things TO DO when things are tough in your FM practice:
- Stay Calm
- Deliver More For More
- Wow Your Market With Your Service And Offerings
- Market Your Butt Off— Even If You’ve Never Marketed Before
For many reasons, which we won’t get into, number 2 in each list above is the one you should focus on the most.
Imagine how different your month would look if you charged a minimum of $10,000 per new patient.
Here’s the thing— it takes just as much work to convert a $2K patient case as it does a $10K case. It’s. The. Same. Amount. Of. Work!
So if you’re staring at this screen trying to figure out how to get paid what you’re worth, why not just raise your prices?
You’re already putting in the effort every day — why not make more money for the same amount of work and get paid at least closer to what you’re worth?
Well, here’s some good news for you.
Over the next 6 blog posts, we’re going to give you some of the most important steps to unearthing the hidden cash sitting right under your nose. And I’ve NEVER met an FM provider that didn’t deserve a raise.
Let’s dip our toe into the water just a bit…
There is a Secret Sales Language that allows you to Immediately and Significantly Increase Your Case Fees.
We’ll give it to you straight…
FACT #1: You should never ever again take on a case for less than $10k.
FACT #2: In actuality, it should be much more, but let’s start with $10k.
FACT #3: Patients will never be able to pay you what you’re actually worth, so why not pick an amount that makes running your business way easier?
Isn’t that what you want after all? To be paid what you’re worth and save lives, without having to put in any extra effort? We already know how much effort you’re putting in right now. It can be a real meat-grinder.
That’s what we’re here to deliver and we’re very excited to be able to share these time tested cash-creating strategies with you!
Over the next 6 blogs, we’re going to give you access to some of our most closely guarded strategies that will show you how to drastically increase your fees to a minimum of $10k per patient (more if you want) with ZERO extra effort.
The benefit?
You get to breathe, create cash flow, increase your income, and actually help more chronically-ill patients return to health.
A Win-Win.
If you want to raise your chances of increasing your income, we are offering a bundle of 50 mini-classes at one low price!
Join me as I interview 50 of the most influential professionals in Functional Medicine, who want to share their success with you!
Don’t miss your chance to become the best FM practitioner you can be!

AUTHORS: Drs. Brandon and Heather Credeur
Drs. Brandon and Heather Credeur are the founders and directors of The FM Shift, and they know one thing for sure – You’re The Best of the Best & You Should Be Paid Accordingly!