Episode 28: Leadership in Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine Field: What You Will Learn:
- Why your patients are ultimately buying your leadership, not just your products and services
- Lenann’s definition of leadership, and how it affects your practice
- Why taking a soft approach is beneficial whether you are a male or female practitioner in the functional medicine field
- How to get patients and prospective patients to buy into your vision so you can treat them more effectively
- How to maintain your personality and smooth out the rough edges as you work to develop your strengths as a leader
- The core issues that prevent people from becoming effective leaders, and how to overcome them
- The challenges functional medicine providers face because of the shameful cancel culture
- How Lenann starts her clients on a path where they can become proficient salespeople
- The top things FM providers can do to move prospective patients through the sales cycle
How Leadership Manifests in Your Practice
Lenann McGookey Gardner is an executive coach that focuses on leadership and sales. She is an author, a public speaker, and a veteran of the industry with over 20 years of experience. Her greatest joy is helping professionals see how to apply high-integrity, up-to-date salesmanship principles to grow their businesses and professional practices. In this episode of The FM Shift, Lenann joins us to share her journey and go deep into the impact of powerful leadership in the functional medicine field.
They’re Buying Your Leadership
At the end of the day, your patients aren’t just buying your products, services, or brand—they are buying your leadership. Leadership in the functional medicine field is having a vision and engaging your team and patients in a way that makes them want to be a part of it. Great leaders can bring their patients to wellness by helping them awaken within themselves. Leadership is the key to helping them realize what is truly getting in the way of being as healthy as they can be, and it is the driving force that ultimately leads to successful treatments.
Engage Your Patients; Bring Them on Your Journey
Whether you are a male or female practitioner in the functional medicine field, your approach is everything. Demeanor, presentation, communication style—it all ties into your image as a leader and your patients’ perception of you. Taking a soft approach can help you pull more information from your patient by getting them to open up. It’s all about giving them a sense of joy and enthusiasm for the journey you put forth, and you need to make them want to be a part of that.

Photo by Snapwire
About Lenann McGookey Gardner
Lenann McGookey Gardner is a Harvard MBA with a track record of great success in sales and marketing. Her greatest joy is helping professionals see how to apply high-integrity up-to-date salesmanship principles to grow their businesses and professional practices.
How to Connect with Lenann McGookey Gardner:
- Website: www.YouCanSell.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lenann-mcgookey-gardner-455562/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LenannGardnerConsulting/
- Twitter: @Lenann_Gardner